
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Good Morning Family & Friends 

It has been a crazy and unique ride on the World Race. I never know what to expect. One day, I was on a walk with one of my squadmates ( a group of people who you travel with). This is not unique for me because I realized how  much I loved walking expectually long walks with friends. As we were walking, we were talking about how excited we were to get to know more of the country of Kyrgyzstan. As I began saying that I love this country already despite the little that I know about, we walked past a group of men.  As I continued to talk, I heard the men call me the n word.  My first response was to look back. I was so angry! I turn back around and start to pray. My first thought was why did they think it was okay to call me that?  Why did not I not say something to them?   My brain was still processing what they had said to me.  When my squadmate said did they just call you the n word. I told her yes and continued to pray. 


I know that I did not sin in my anger against these men but I was convicted on how I handled this situation.  Next time  someone calls me the n word again, I will not look back at them.  I know that is not my name, and by looking back at them I am giving them power of what to call me.  The Lord called me beloved and I do not walk in the identity of what the world thinks of me.  This was the first time on the Word Race that I was called this name and it made me feel like  I did not belong here.  The truth is that I am Loved, Welcome, and Accepted here no matter what people say.  I will choose to walk in this freedom while I am here in  Kyrgyzstan and forever more


My encouragement to family and friends is to start writing down an identity statement of what the Lord says of you. There will come a time when people in this world will call you names and you will not be quick to answer to it because you will know what the Lord say of you.

I would appreciate your prayers for me and my team as we began to love on High School and college age students. I am excited to build relationships with these students. We will teach them English and share the truth of God’s love with them.  Thank you for your prayers and support. 

9 responses to “Have you felt like you did not belong in a place?”

  1. Antoinette, Thank you for the encouragement to write down an identity statement in light of who we are, especially as it relates to Jesus. I look forward to working on that.

  2. Amen and praise Jesus for his insight, love and comfort during this time!!! Thank you for helping all of us with your faith and attitude in overcoming these obstacles. With practice it will not hurt so much and will grow your faith in Jesus. Just think what he suffered for us willingly!!!

    We adopted our daughter from Korea and every day at her job as a hostess for a high-end restaurant someone asks her “What kind of asian are you?” or something similar. That is borderline offensive especially when she has to answer every day as politely as possible and it can make her very self-conscious about her looks. But she is learning to take it in a positive way and realizes every day she gets to practice Jesus’ love for her.

  3. Oh my goodness, Antoinette. I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. You are such a lovely human being, and I love your thinking that you will not look back next time because that is not your name. I will never understand what it is like to walk in your shoes, but I will always be thankful for the perspective and love you bring to any situation. You are loved, Antoinette!

  4. Oh there are no words. That is so so awful. Hate and ignorance transcends borders. You are beautiful and loved by so many here and of course your heavenly Father. Love you!

  5. YES GIRL! I love the challenge of having people write down what the Lord says about them. There is power ONLY in what THE LORD says about us. Everything else pales in comparison.

  6. Yes and Amen, I am who God says I am!!. Thanking God that He loves me with an everlasting love. His Blood covers me wherever I go. There is no weapon formed against me will prosper. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
    Pray that the eyes and hears of our understanding will be open to His truth. Who the Son sets free is free indeed!
    Continue to go forth in the Lord and the power of His might. Continued wisdom and discernment to you and the rest of the team! God’s richest blessings always!

  7. UGH! THE FALLEN NATURE. THE BROKENNESS! I’m so amazed at the way you handled that AND I’m so amazed that the Lord wants even more of you. To take that name off completely, to the point where your ears can’t even find it when it’s called out because its so unfamiliar and foreign. I’m praying for you Antoinette!!

  8. Unbelievable!!! Who would’ve thought that you would’ve faced racism on the other side of the world. Goes to show that ignorance was no geographical boundaries. Just remember you cant control what people call you, but you can control what you respond to.

  9. OOF this is good. I’m so proud of you for loving like Jesus – slow to anger, slow to speak, and rooting yourself in the Word. We’re all sittin’ here learning from YOU!