
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Good Morning Family & Friends 

It has been a crazy and unique ride on the World Race. I never know what to expect. One day, I was on a walk with one of my squadmates ( a group of people who you travel with). This is not unique for me because I realized how  much I loved walking expectually long walks with friends. As we were walking, we were talking about how excited we were to get to know more of the country of Kyrgyzstan. As I began saying that I love this country already despite the little that I know about, we walked past a group of men.  As I continued to talk, I heard the men call me the n word.  My first response was to look back. I was so angry! I turn back around and start to pray. My first thought was why did they think it was okay to call me that?  Why did not I not say something to them?   My brain was still processing what they had said to me.  When my squadmate said did they just call you the n word. I told her yes and continued to pray. 


I know that I did not sin in my anger against these men but I was convicted on how I handled this situation.  Next time  someone calls me the n word again, I will not look back at them.  I know that is not my name, and by looking back at them I am giving them power of what to call me.  The Lord called me beloved and I do not walk in the identity of what the world thinks of me.  This was the first time on the Word Race that I was called this name and it made me feel like  I did not belong here.  The truth is that I am Loved, Welcome, and Accepted here no matter what people say.  I will choose to walk in this freedom while I am here in  Kyrgyzstan and forever more


My encouragement to family and friends is to start writing down an identity statement of what the Lord says of you. There will come a time when people in this world will call you names and you will not be quick to answer to it because you will know what the Lord say of you.

I would appreciate your prayers for me and my team as we began to love on High School and college age students. I am excited to build relationships with these students. We will teach them English and share the truth of God’s love with them.  Thank you for your prayers and support.